Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Just uploaded a new video!
Perfume's Dream Fighter!
Please watch!!

This Cruel Angels thing is going to get hectic!
Because we just found out it's somewhat of a competition.
Only a select few of us will be in it in the end.
And there is talk of a Spring mini album.
So as soon as possible, I'm gonna have to upload more videos to get more views and subscribers!
I need you guys right now!! Watch my videos, spread them around, recommend me, etc!
Thank you for being so supportive so far. ^^
So thats it for now.
I'll talk to ya later~.


  1. Don't be dissapointed Bekah![=-=]

    Fight Girl...It is not far away...

    So go Bekah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We will all support you!!

  2. がんばて...べか!!^^

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
