I haven't posted in forever AGAIN!
This post will be just straight pictures and you can just guess what I did! It's in chronological order. XD Lol I'm so lazy sometimes! Mainly because I dont know what day these are from...
Mikaela had me ditch 7th hour so we could hang out! She didn't mean to lick my eye in this pic. She was gonna just lick my cheek and I was trying to wink (and failing) And it just came out this way! Funny, huh?

This thing is the love of my life!!! My ipod....

Someone down my street drew ice cream on the ground with chalk. I took a pic of it!

I also got Mikaela to read her first manga! She loved it... She used to think they were dumb! I converted her with Absolute Boyfriend (Zettai Kareshi) and she is continuing with Peach Girl, Host Club, etc... Hahaha :D Victory!

Happy Easter!!! My bro and sis were easter egg hunting! Elizabeth was very proud of herself...

Then! Me and my dad went to Easter brunch with all of his side of the family. My mom was sick with my sister so they didn't come with us. But we go every year! EVERY YEAR!!! The food is good, but it must be expensive for my grandma... We have easily 20 people eating with us every time. The ride there was sooooo loong so I took this picture. XD And below it, thats a view of half our table. Yes all the way down in my family. O_O There was some more to my right as well....

This was just a picture of my grandma, my dad, uncle pete, and aunt marilyn. There my grandma's children. And she paid for all of this!

I like corn nuts!

That night, my graduation cap & gown came in the mail! I wanted to try it on right away! It makes me look small. XD

Here's me with Cindy! I met her last year! She was the Vice President of the anime club! XD Go nerds!

Me and Mikaela were camera whores this day.... CAT!

Later after the camera-whoring we played Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. This move killed us... I wish I could show you a video... it was the funniest thing ever to us that night. We laughed for a good 10 minutes at it. This woman shot missiles out of her chest in the air. Her arms shook... I don't know it was a you have to be there moment...

I was going to beat Mikaela with a clay rolling pin for reasons that you can't know, but just know I was mad. So I took this picture so she remembers it forever.

An angry look I gave Mikaela. Cindy took this picture. It was a joking angry look though! You can see it in my face. I'm not a mean person at all! I can't be. XD

Me being a camera whore AGAIN. I love taking pictures in this class for some reason...